Plugging the Punctuation Gaps of Y8 Students: A workshop for Teachers
With just one term left before your Year 8 students head off to high school, this is your final opportunity to tackle those ongoing punctuation and sentence structure issues!
Your own learning and experiences
Dartmouth Conference (1966)
Halliday (1994)
Fearn and Farnan (2007)
Myhill, Jones, Lines & Watson (2012)
Myhill (2018)
Phllips (1996)
Myhill (2021)
Mueller & Oppenheimer (2014)
Allen, LeFebvre, LeFebrve, & Watson (2020)
Cognitive load theory
Teaching punctuation and sentence structures using The Umbrella Man
Independent clauses
Generate independent clauses (with punctuation)
Fix the independent clauses into simple sentences
How to generate independent clauses with no punctuation
Generate your own independent clauses with no punctuation
Three ways to make compound sentences
Generate compound sentences with BOYSA
Points to remember